Animation Shorts
ASHKASHA (Director, Lara Maltz) – A living being is guided by curiosity, causing her to lose her head and get trapped in the depths, where she is submerged during a journey of discovery.
DRAGONFLY (Director, Julia Morizawa) – A young girl learns of her mother’s survival of the Tokyo Firebombing on March 9-10, 1945 through the eyes of her brother’s spirit.
THE SHADOW OF DAWN (Director, Olga Stalev) – An incorporeal Shadow takes up a dangerous adventure through a mystical forest, fancy castle and dream world to save her frivolous owner from a cursed Beast.
SLOW LIGHT (Directors, Katarzyna Kijek, Przemysław Adamski) – A boy who was born blind, suddenly at the age of seven sees a light. A medical examination reveals that his eyes are so dense that it takes seven years for the light to reach the retina and hence for the image to reach his consciousness. The consequence of the eye defect translates into the mental immaturity of the man, lack of understanding of the present and belated reflections on long-gone facts. The man is never mature enough for his age and constantly lingers on the past.
THE SPRAYER (Director, Farnoosh Abedi) – In the land occupied with the Sprayers army, no one has the right to grow any kind of plants either in public or private. Many of the people and soldiers do not even know what a plant looks like, until one day one of the soldiers finds a seed buried deep down in the dust.
THIS IS A STORY WITHOUT A PLAN (Director, Cassie Shao) – Two people, and an explosion.
WANDER TO WONDER (Director, Nina Gantz) – Mary, Billybud, and Fumbleton star in an eighties kids’ TV-series called Wander to Wonder. After the creator of the show has died, they are left alone in the studio. Struggling to find enough to eat, they continue to make—increasingly strange—episodes for their fans.
Virtual screenings for SLOW LIGHT and WANDER TO WONDER are available to viewers in the U.S. only; The Shadow of the Dog is not available in virtual screenings
VENUE INFORMATION: Parking for screenings/events at Thaden School is in a residential area, so please plan your arrival time accordingly.